Cowboy Action Shooting Video with Lefty Longridge
CAS Legend Lefty Longridge Hosts a Series of Cowboy Action Shooting Videos
The Gun Club of America (GCA) is a fraternity exclusively for people who love guns. Together with the American Gunsmithing Institute (AGI), GCA has posted a series of Cowboy Action Shooting training videos hosted by two-time world champion Lefty Longridge.
The following annotation comes with the cowboy action shooting video posted at YouTube:
‘This is AGI’s new Cowboy Action Shooting course featuring Two Time World Champion Lefty Longridge. This SASS and Cowboy 3-Gun World Champion (AKA Sergeant Joe Alesia, Los Angeles County Sheriffs Deputy, Tactical Instructor and Training Supervisor) takes you through a basic training course in the most popular and fastest growing shooting game in the World, Cowboy Action Shooting.
Joe takes the time to go into serious detail about the history, clothes, equipment, and match action in cowboy action shooting. You will get a champions (and highly sought after trainers) tips on selecting guns and leather, as well as the actual shooting. Learn the proper stance, sighting, grip, trigger control, and target engagement. Learn how to overcome the most common impediments to competitive scoring. Besides covering the basics of shooting the handguns, rifles, and shotguns of the sport, Lefty is even gracious enough to teach those he considers to be afflicted with the too common birth defect of being right handed the proper methods of combat loading the ubiquitous model 97 Winchester pump shotgun.”
In this cowboy action shooting video preview , Lefty gives some useful tips on the right pistol and rifle as well as the correct stance used in this fast-growing sport.
Find out more about the fascinating and fun sport of Cowboy Action Shooting by visiting its website at .